Amber Grubenmann

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You Have Value

Uncategorized Aug 24, 2019

If you’ve listened to recent podcast episodes you know that I have gone through a pretty massive transition recently. 

I quit my job.
I moved to a different state.
I fell in love with someone right before I moved.
We ended things.
I started a new job that I’m deeply passionate about.
I slept on an air mattress in my friend’s hallway. 
I moved into a temporary home. 

This transition, as expected, has brought up a lot for me emotionally. 

I have felt loneliness, which as an introvert is not something I am used to. 
I have felt anxiety and pressure at work as I am trying to go above and beyond what is expected. 
I have felt homesick. 
I have felt sad. 

I’ve also felt home, happy, laughed to tears, and all the other good things. 

It’s been a lot. 

Anyways, in my work, I obviously NEVER teach people “how to have ease, comfort, and be happy all the time.” 

I believe in being fully alive. I believe in feeling every emotion. I believe in finding meaning and growth in every challenge. 

So I was walking home with this ball of sadness and anxiety in my chest. And something came up for me, intuitively at that moment. 

I closed my eyes and I felt the energy in my chest. The energy that I have been trying to push away for the last 7 days. The energy that I have been trying to distract myself from with work and friends. 

I felt it. I imagined what it looks like. I became very curious. 

And I told it “you have value.”

Instantly, I felt the healing begin. 

What are you feeling that you are pushing away? What part of yourself are you neglecting? 

This part of you, that you are running from, is a PART of you. It needs your unconditional support now more than ever. It needs to be held by you. It needs your acceptance and love. 

This pain has value, but you are blind to it if you keep rejecting it. 

YOU have value. 



Copy & Paste Texts For When He Is Pulling Away Or Acting Flaky

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